Overcoming internal blocks

When you feel blocked. Stop. Close your eyes. Take a breath. And ask yourself.

"What bad thing happens if I..."

  • Make a life change that you're feeling uncertain about
  • Ignore the urge to eat unhealthy food
  • Stop scrolling on your phone
  • Whatever else might be bringing up the block

Listen to what comes up.

Pay attention to any images/sensations/sounds that emerge from your subconscious -- ignore the voice in your head for now.

Your subconscious is trying to protect you from the bad thing that will happen if you do X.

Knowing this -- you can make a new choice because...

Seeing what was unconscious forces it to change.

You can do something new.

(Thanks to Chris Larkin for the inspiration: https://chrislakin.blog/p/the-absence-of-self-rejection)
