All statements are equally true (How to control your mind)

"All statements are equally true" - Jim Leonard

How? Context.

When looking at the sun with green-tinted sunglasses, the statement: "The sun is green" is very true.

In that context, the sun is green. But it's also true that the sun is blue, red, pink, and all the other colours. What matters is the context, or what sunglasses you have on.

Our minds work like sunglasses, but it's not one pair. Imagine a "pocket dimension" that stores sunglasses. An infinite hallway storing all types of sunglasses.

When you put on a pair of glasses, you adopt certain assumptions about the world that come with them.

Some of these glasses are helpful, but many are not.

And they determine our lives.

But the awesome thing about being human is that we can choose which sunglasses to wear.


1. Words are magic. Use words to create a statement that represents the new context you want to live in 

ex: "It's okay for me to do things without others permission."

2. Mentally repeat that statement to yourself, then listen for parts of you that object to it. Note down their fears.

ex: "No! It's not okay, it's too hard, you need other people's help"

3. For each fear, construct a new statement that addresses that part's fears 

ex: "It's completely safe for me to do things with others permission"

4. Then prove to the objecting part how this new statement is true -- feel the part, accept it, or reject it.

ex: "Remember when we closed that deal without anyone telling us to? Doesn't that support this new context?"

5. If you feel resonance with the statement, move on to the next objection

ex: "It's okay for me to do things without others permission"

6. Repeat 2-5 until the original statement becomes true for your system.

This works because all statements are true. You can find contexts for them.

You are always happy.

You are always sad.

Both are true in different contexts.

Here is how this change process works:

Your mind is a 'pocket dimension' that already holds contexts. When you introduce a new context, the entire system of contexts changes.

Conflicts in assumptions and beliefs arise. But, by addressing each one, you can install new software. 

All statements are true, you have complete control over your mind.

All that it wants and needs is proof.